It's getting crazy for me right now; I'm a full-time student with two jobs, an honors thesis to complete, and 5 graduate applications to send out. I'm sure many of you all out there are experiencing high stress like I, whether it's unemployment, having a family, etc, we can all relate in some way. My advice is to really focus on the little things. For me, it's sitting down Monday afternoon and watching Mad Men online (no way could I afford cable..), taking a few moments to enjoy the beautiful weather, or thinking about the little things I have to look forward to (and not the monstrous deadlines looming ahead...). Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I always try to make a unique and cheap costume with my limited sewing skills.

Last year, I randomly decided I wanted to be corn... It was pretty easy. I found some white long john pants at wal-mart and dyed them dark green with some cheap fabric dye (RID I think it's called?). I took a yellow tank top and drew the kernels on with a brown sharpie. For the leaves, I cut two large pieces of dark green felt into big leaf-shaped pieces, and I sewed the bottom part onto the top of the pants, leaving the top part to hang over the sides. I'd imagine a banana could be done in a pretty similar way. My boyfriend spray-painted a box yellow to be butter (not my idea, but it was cute). He had to stand next to me otherwise no one had a clue what he was supposed to be...
Much better than the expensive and extremely revealing costumes most college females were donning that night!
My plans for this year:

I found a perfect red top and black skirt at Goodwill, along with a navy blue button down shirt. I sewed lace trim around the collar of the red shirt, and yellow bias tape along the bottom of the skirt. I'm having a little trouble with the collar for the popeye shirt, but I'll figure it out...
What is everyone else being for Halloween? Or am I the only one to be thinking about this so early?